School Management

School Management

Dr. Sanjay Jain (Managing Director)

Education is not only learning, it’s about making an individual civilized. In education, imparting only bookish knowledge is not the parameter, but inculcating humanitarian values like wisdom, compassion, courage, humility, integrity and reliability in a student completes its meaning. Our school aims at grooming each child encompassing – academics, co-curricular activities, sports education and life-skills learning to make a responsible citizen in the world…. Read more..

Mr. Amit Batra

(Managing Director)

PRAYAAS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is an incorporation of proficient faculty, knowledgeable and well-organized administration high-tech infrastructure and modern techniques of learning. Prayaas is effective with the vision of providing a safe and supportive upbringing for its family. We work as family and edify students also to make efforts with unity and integrity. Main motive is to provide a perfect blend environment…. Read more..

Dr. Suneera Jain


Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another and value based systematic knowledge needs to be utilized for all round development of the human personality that takes into account the spiritual, moral and social aspects while keeping the view of traditions…. Read more..

Ms.Ruchika Batra


 I feel elated to hold the responsibilities of the institution as its director. Today the society is changing at a breakneck pace and the increasing pressure has intensified the strains on the individual. In such a scenario, it becomes inevitable to converge ourselves to these tender souls and free …. Read more..